Saturday 11 April 2009

The worst outcome

How many times to do you stop yourself from doing something because you spend time focussing on all the things that could go wrong if you take that next step?

Well, I was recently thinking about the worst outcome of certain things I was thinking about embarking on. Conclusion? The worst outcome is death...and that's going to happen anyway one day (I know we all hate to think about it) but really, if the worst outcome is inevitable, why do we walk around with all this fear? Just go on and do what you have to do...the likely probability is that you'll end up very far from the worst that could happen!

Monday 2 March 2009

The meaning of Failure

Who is the bigger failure?
A man or woman who has pursued 50 business ventures and succeeded in 5 or
A man who has pursued 5 business ventures and succeeded in all 5?

If you had to choose only one of these two people, which one would you describe as the one who is ambitious, the go-getter, hardworking, optimistic, creative thinker, inspirational etc?

If you were looking to start out with your new entrepreneurial project, which one of these would you want as your mentor? which one is most likely to have the best lessons to teach, point you in the right direction, knows someone who knows someone who is worth knowing?

Sometimes failure is not so straightforward. It may all depend on the direction from which you approach the situation. Whichever way you look at it, don't let fear of failure stop you from embarking on your journey.

Nick Williams relays a quote on one of his podcasts that makes me feel braver these days. It goes something like "I have never embarked on a journey for which I am fully prepared"...said by someone famous and wise. ..hmmmm, so just go for it!

P.S - About Nick

Saturday 7 February 2009

Keep jumping, you may be surprised how high you get

I think it's easy to get discouraged sometimes when you are working to get your plans off the ground, whether it is for a new business venture, career change, new body 'image' or any other lifestyle change.

But if you keep pursuing your passion persistently, you may find yourself way ahead of anywhere you thought you'd ever be. It doesn't even have to start from a point of being down in the dumps about things and trying to be positive and 'getting on with it'. Just doing your passion can take you places, see the impressive Lauren Luke effect on youtube

Now, that's something!

keep pushing on....

Sunday 25 January 2009

What gets your heart pounding?

Red ochre soil gets my heart pounding
It reminds me of someplace in Africa...i'm not sure where exactly, but images of red dust rising caused by dancing bare feet makes my soul soar - i can't explain it. Anyway, that's why I decided to name my blog My Red bare feet connecting me to the place I love.

This brings me on to think about other aspects of my life. I've started the challenging journey of setting up my own business. There's a lot to take in but it makes my heart pound - i'm excited...and can visualize my empire which I hope will grow from ideas and plans embedded in my viao laptop to something that will be one of my biggest lifetime achivements. I expect it to be hard work but it feels right, it seems like things i've been working on for many years are finally bringing me to a specific road leading to a specific destination.

My business will focus on Design, Strategy and Innovation - i'll explain more as I do more and learn more

In the mean time, I hope to share ideas with entrepreneurs - new and not so new, friends and thinkers...and hey, let me know what gets your heart pounding - i'm interested!